Katonah® Yoga Extended Practice: Measuring Up w/ Kacee Must

Katonah® Yoga Extended Practice: Measuring Up w/ Kacee Must


In Katonah® Yoga, "measuring up" is a practice that involves using the geometry of your body to refine your poses and improve your alignment and function.

Join Kacee Must for a 90 minute extended practice on Katonah® Yoga asana and pranayama! We will be exploring ways to bring subtle nuances to into technique.

This is an all levels practice as well as an entry series into world of Katonah Yoga®, perfect for longer term practitioners as well as beginners.

Price: $30

Count towards 1.5 hours of 300 hour programming.

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Exploration of Simplicity with Kacee Must

Exploration of Simplicity with Kacee Must

Online | Tues + Thurs, April 1-15 | 7am-8am

Join Kacee for a five-part series exploring the magic of simplicity as a way to create new clarity in your practice. Improving your technique in any pose happens over time, with clear technique and repetition. Without all three of these elements, the clarity required for growth cannot occur.

This course is a combination of exploring technique, prop usage, and sequencing while in practice. We will open with 45 minutes of practicing a sequence designed to prepare the body and see how elements of any pose show up in other poses. The last 15 minutes will be used to ask questions and discuss other ways to apply props, techniques, and how to teach the pose. 

  • Tuesday, April 1: Downward Facing Dog

  • Thursday, April 3: Upward Facing Dog

  • Tuesday, April 8: Chaturanga

  • Thursday, April 10: Warrior Poses

  • Tuesday, April 15: Putting it all together

In all of our sessions, we will be focusing on a few words to help bring forward clarity in the technique of each pose:

  • Measuring

  • Framing

  • Center and Circumference

  • Posterior

  • Anterior

  • Linear

  • Sphere

The techniques we will cover are not based in one particular school of yoga, but a combination of many schools and approaches to alignment. 

During this series, please come with questions, comments, and one prepared sequence for each pose so that you have your own thoughts and ideas to reference while practicing. For each session, you will need 4 blocks, 2 blankets, 1 chair, and 2 straps.

This series counts as 5 contact hours towards the 300 hour program, and is also open to the public. Teachers and students of all levels are welcome.

Price: $99

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Incorporating Ayurveda into Practice + Teaching with Soojin Kim + Dr. Rachel Redmond
to Apr 13

Incorporating Ayurveda into Practice + Teaching with Soojin Kim + Dr. Rachel Redmond


Join Soojin Kim and Rachel Redmond for a deep dive into Ayurveda! Over the course of the weekend, you will explore the foundations of the science of Ayurveda, including an introduction to the 3 doshas and circadian rhythms, daily lifestyle and ritual practices for balancing our personal constitution, and techniques for incorporating ayurvedic theory into teaching.

This workshop counts as 10 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program. You do not have to be enrolled in the 300 HR program to participate. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Rachel Redmond is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, and Functional Medicine Practitioner who specializes in Women’s hormone + digestive health, longevity, and the prevention of disease. 

Price: $175

  • Rachel Redmond is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, and Functional Medicine Practitioner who specializes in Women’s hormone + digestive health, longevity, and the prevention of disease. 

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Teaching + Practicing for Common Ailments w/ Chris Briney
to May 4

Teaching + Practicing for Common Ailments w/ Chris Briney


Fill your toolbox as a teacher and practitioner with techniques to support some of life’s most common ailments. Embracing the therapeutic tools and philosophy of Iyengar yoga, we’ll practice asana and pranayama techniques for frequent concerns such as headaches, insomnia, digestive issues, joint pains, and emotional dysregulations. On day two, students will have the opportunity to bring some of their own concerns and leave with practical tools for self improvement. Learn what it means to know and practice therapeutic techniques without expecting a transactional “fix” from your yoga practice.

This workshop counts as 10 hours towards Citizen Yoga’s 300HR Teacher Training and Impact 50 hour yoga training. You do not have to be enrolled in a Citizen training program to participate. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Saturday, May 3 | 11am - 5pm
Sunday, May 4 | 2 - 6pm

Price: $175

  • Chris Briney is the Director of The Center For Iyengar Yoga.  He is one of only a small handful of  teachers in Metro Detroit to attain Certification as an Iyengar Yoga Teacher by the Iyengar National Association of the United States. He is also one of only seven yoga teachers in the state of Michigan to attain an Intermediate, Level III certification. Chris always states that teaching is a by-product of his commitment to the practice of yoga as a way of life. As a result, his teaching contains an authenticity and integrity that can only come from the experience gained through devoted practice. In his classes, you’ll find this authenticity and integrity blended with playfulness and humor to yield an experience both enjoyable and deeply transformative.

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Unlocking Movement Potential: Anatomy from Head to Tail w/ Hannah Andersen

Unlocking Movement Potential: Anatomy from Head to Tail w/ Hannah Andersen


Join Hannah Andersen for a deep dive into the anatomy of the core and spinal column. This is the first session of the Unlocking Movement Potential series exploring movement availability through structure and function. Each session will support developing an applied understanding of the relationships between skeletal, muscular, nervous, and fascial systems in a specific region of the body. Through breaking down anatomical concepts into practical and digestible pieces, this workshop specifically caters to those who teach movement in group and individual settings.

The afternoon will include anatomy,  theories related to structure, function, and injury, somatic exploration, facilitated discussion, and a full Citizen Sculpt practice to experience real time application of principles to teaching.

This workshop counts as 5 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program and Impact 50 hour yoga training. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Price: $90

Recommended materials:
Yoga Anatomy (Third Edition) Leslie Kaminkoff and Amy Matthews 2021

  • Hannah Andersen (MFA, BFA, NCPT) is Assistant Professor of Teaching, Dance, Wayne State University teaching theory and practice courses in BS/BFA Dance and MA Teaching Artistry Programs, and directing the Pilates Mentorship Program supporting students obtaining Pilates certifications. Andersen received the 2022 ‘Sue Nine Award for Faculty Excellence’ at WSU and 2018 ‘Doug Risner Prize for Emerging Dance Researchers’ from the Journal of Dance Education for her work intersecting dance science, somatics, and pedagogy. Her research has been published in Research in Dance Education, Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, and Journal of Dance Education. She has spent 17 years in the Pilates industry within and outside of higher education and held appointments at Whatcom Community College, University of Oregon, and Western Washington University. She spent three seasons performing and choreographing with Bellingham Repertory Dance (WA, USA), has been spotted performing on stages and in fields in NYC, NC, WA, OR, AK, and more. A lifelong student of yoga, Hannah is currently on the teaching faculty of a 200 and 300 Yoga Alliance Teacher Training program teaching all anatomy coursework.

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Unlocking Movement Potential: Anatomy from Hands to Shoulders w/ Hannah Andersen

Unlocking Movement Potential: Anatomy from Hands to Shoulders w/ Hannah Andersen


Join Hannah Andersen for a deep dive into the anatomy of upper extremities including the hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders. This is the second session of the Unlocking Movement Potential series exploring movement availability through structure and function. Each session will support developing an applied understanding of the relationships between skeletal, muscular, nervous, and fascial systems in a specific region of the body. Through breaking down anatomical concepts into practical and digestible pieces, this workshop specifically caters to those who teach movement in group and individual settings.

The afternoon will include anatomy,  theories related to structure, function, and injury, somatic exploration, facilitated discussion, and a full Citizen Sculpt practice to experience real time application of principles to teaching.

This workshop counts as 5 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program and Impact 50 hour yoga training. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Price: $90

Recommended materials:
Yoga Anatomy (Third Edition) Leslie Kaminkoff and Amy Matthews 2021

  • Hannah Andersen (MFA, BFA, NCPT) is Assistant Professor of Teaching, Dance, Wayne State University teaching theory and practice courses in BS/BFA Dance and MA Teaching Artistry Programs, and directing the Pilates Mentorship Program supporting students obtaining Pilates certifications. Andersen received the 2022 ‘Sue Nine Award for Faculty Excellence’ at WSU and 2018 ‘Doug Risner Prize for Emerging Dance Researchers’ from the Journal of Dance Education for her work intersecting dance science, somatics, and pedagogy. Her research has been published in Research in Dance Education, Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, and Journal of Dance Education. She has spent 17 years in the Pilates industry within and outside of higher education and held appointments at Whatcom Community College, University of Oregon, and Western Washington University. She spent three seasons performing and choreographing with Bellingham Repertory Dance (WA, USA), has been spotted performing on stages and in fields in NYC, NC, WA, OR, AK, and more. A lifelong student of yoga, Hannah is currently on the teaching faculty of a 200 and 300 Yoga Alliance Teacher Training program teaching all anatomy coursework.

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Unlocking Movement Potential: Anatomy from Feet to Pelvis w/ Hannah Andersen

Unlocking Movement Potential: Anatomy from Feet to Pelvis w/ Hannah Andersen


Join Hannah Andersen for a deep dive into the anatomy of lower extremities including the feet, ankles, knees, and hips. This is the third and final session of the Unlocking Movement Potential series exploring movement availability through structure and function. Each session will support developing an applied understanding of the relationships between skeletal, muscular, nervous, and fascial systems in a specific region of the body. Through breaking down anatomical concepts into practical and digestible pieces, this workshop specifically caters to those who teach movement in group and individual settings.

The afternoon will include anatomy,  theories related to structure, function, and injury, somatic exploration, facilitated discussion, and a full Citizen Sculpt practice to experience real time application of principles to teaching.

This workshop counts as 5 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program and Impact 50 hour yoga training. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Price: $90

Recommended materials:
Yoga Anatomy (Third Edition) Leslie Kaminkoff and Amy Matthews 2021

  • Hannah Andersen (MFA, BFA, NCPT) is Assistant Professor of Teaching, Dance, Wayne State University teaching theory and practice courses in BS/BFA Dance and MA Teaching Artistry Programs, and directing the Pilates Mentorship Program supporting students obtaining Pilates certifications. Andersen received the 2022 ‘Sue Nine Award for Faculty Excellence’ at WSU and 2018 ‘Doug Risner Prize for Emerging Dance Researchers’ from the Journal of Dance Education for her work intersecting dance science, somatics, and pedagogy. Her research has been published in Research in Dance Education, Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, and Journal of Dance Education. She has spent 17 years in the Pilates industry within and outside of higher education and held appointments at Whatcom Community College, University of Oregon, and Western Washington University. She spent three seasons performing and choreographing with Bellingham Repertory Dance (WA, USA), has been spotted performing on stages and in fields in NYC, NC, WA, OR, AK, and more. A lifelong student of yoga, Hannah is currently on the teaching faculty of a 200 and 300 Yoga Alliance Teacher Training program teaching all anatomy coursework.

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KATONAH YOGA® Immersion Weekend with Dages Juvelier Keates
to Mar 16

KATONAH YOGA® Immersion Weekend with Dages Juvelier Keates

Dages Juvelier Keates

NYC-based Katonah Yoga Guest Teacher


5 Hour Immersion:
Props + Hands On Adjustments Lab

Time: 12:30-5:30PM
Price: $175


2 Hour Workshop:
Katonah Yoga Theory + Breathwork

Time: 10am-12pm
Cost: $75


2 Hour Workshop:
Body Reading + Teaching a Private

Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Price: $75

For all sessions listed above, discounts are available for 300HR students, email elyse@citizenyogastudio.com

  • Dages Juvelier Keates is a senior Katonah Yoga teacher based in New York City who teaches globally. She has been developing her practice and pedagogy for 22 years and has accreditations from the Bihar School, 3HO, Anusara, and Katonah Yoga. Since 2012, her syncretic teaching style has been profoundly impacted by an immersion in studies with her mentor, Nevine Michaan, founder of Katonah Yoga. Dages draws on her background as a dancer, writer, and artist working with and through the materiality of the body as a somatic space for holding paradox. Her work explores performative and poetic methodologies in cartographies of somatic, psychoanalytic, and nonhuman knowledges. Her research is interwoven with critical theory, Lurianic Kabbala, and western Herbalism. Dages holds a BA in dance from Bard College, a transdisciplinary MA from NYU, and an Advanced Masters from Sint Lucas Antwerpen. In 2018, she released “Radical Acts of Embodiment: Teaching and Practices of Katonah Yoga®” 

  • KATONAH YOGA® is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan of Katonah Yoga Center over 40 years. She and her teachers incorporate classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor, and imagination — in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being. Framing the practice, maps of time and personal space are defined and refined. Themes using asana as origami, manipulating form for function, and developing a sense of personal measure are incorporated in Katonah Yoga practices. Katonah Yoga is organized around three principles of esoteric dialogue: all polarities are mediated by trinity; the universe has pattern, pattern belies intelligence; by virtue of repetition there is potential for insight. Disciplined techniques are organized for revelation through revolutions.

    Learn more at https://www.katonahyoga.com

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Ecstatic Breathwork Journey w/ Ann Fancy

Ecstatic Breathwork Journey w/ Ann Fancy

Ecstatic breath work works by changing the rhythm and depth of which we breathe. As opposed to shallow breathing, which keeps our bodies in a state of fight or flight, ecstatic breath work helps you move past that, and into the parasympathetic nervous system for deep relaxation.
This workshop will pair the practice of ecstatic breath and guided meditation to cultivate awareness and peace.

All levels and bodies welcome!

Price: $35

Counts towards 1.5 hours of 300 hour programming.

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Incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine into Practice + Teaching
to Feb 2

Incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine into Practice + Teaching


Join Kacee Must and Alex Herman for a deep dive into Traditional Chinese Medicine and its application to the practice of yoga! In an introduction to Chinese Medicine with Alex, you’ll learn the concepts of yin and yang, vital substances, 5 Element Theory, and chi. Kacee will then lead you through techniques for theming and sequencing yoga classes that allow you to incorporate this material in a meaningful way.

This workshop counts as 10 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program. You do not have to be enrolled in the 300 HR program to participate. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Price: $175

  • Alex Herman earned a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition at Michigan State University and a Doctorate Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the prestigious Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. Licensed in the state of Michigan (LAc), Alex is board certified by NCCAOM in acupuncture as well as Chinese herbology (Dipl. OM).

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Props, Pivotal, and Philosophy: Foundational Poses
to Jan 12

Props, Pivotal, and Philosophy: Foundational Poses


Join Amber Green for a 10-hour deep dive into foundational poses! Exploring the principle that any pose can be a pivotal pose, Amber will help you deep dive into six fundamental poses that unlock the philosophy, alignment, and understanding for nearly all other poses. You will learn new ways to use props to explore variations and progressions, practice hands on adjustments to provide tactile feedback that supports student’s understanding of key alignment principles, and learn cornerstone sequencing principles for teaching well-rounded classes focused on these foundational poses.

Enrollment in the workshop includes participation in a full 75-minute class with Amber both Saturday and Sunday at 4pm. 

This immersion counts as 10 contact hours for 300 hour participants, and is also open to the public. Teachers and students of all levels are welcome.

Price: $175

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Bhakti Yoga: An Introduction to the Yoga of the Heart w/Dayle Extrell

Bhakti Yoga: An Introduction to the Yoga of the Heart w/Dayle Extrell


“Many modern bhakti yogis believe that "the guru" can be found in all things. Bhakti, then, becomes a state of mind, a consciousness that involves embracing the Beloved-in whatever form that takes. Many Westerners who practice bhakti yoga tend to connect with a more encompassing idea of the Divine, the Beloved, the Spirit, the Self, or the Source.” - Nora Issacs, Yoga Journal

In this module we will discuss the history of Bhakti yoga as well as contemporary approaches to the yoga of devotion and explore how it enriches our practice and teaching. We will learn and practice sanskrit mantras and contemplate yoga philosophy through the lens of Hindu iconography, meditative chanting practices, and kirtan. Open to all!

Price: $55

This workshop counts as 3 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program. You do not have to be enrolled in the 300 HR program to participate. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice. If you are part of the 300HR program, please contact Elyse to sign up at your hourly program rate. elyse@citizenyogastudio.com

  • Dayle is an E-RYT with over 5,000 hours of teaching experience. She received her 200 hour certification at Sonic Yoga, Center for Yoga Studies in NYC in 2008, has completed the Bhakti/FLY, Ayurveda & Healing Love School 300HR immersions at Laughing Lotus NYC, Sadie Nardini’s 100 hour Core Strength Vinyasa Rockstar Teacher Training and Ring One of Circus Yoga, The Art of Human Play. Dayle is also a certified practitioner of Thai Yoga Therapy, Traditional Thai Massage and reflexology, and a level 2 Reiki practitioner. 

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Katonah Yoga® Immersion Weekend with Abbie Galvin
to Nov 3

Katonah Yoga® Immersion Weekend with Abbie Galvin

Abbie Galvin is returning for another incredible weekend this fall. You’ll have 5 opportunities to learn and practice in community with a NYC-based Katonah Yoga expert. Two of these sessions, the 5-Hour Intensives count towards program hours.

Please contact Elyse to register at your hourly rate.

NOTE: Please book confidently, we do not honor refunds for any of these specialty modules.

SESSION ONE: Props + Hands On Adjustments

Date: Saturday, Nov 2, 2024

This intensive will serve as an experience of how to use information magically; touching someone in a real way, moving someone so they can get out of their own way, affecting someone so they have an insight.

Developing your own vision is the key to learning how to teach and adjust well. The goal is to change someone’s frame of reference, offering them a re-orientation in order to open a portal of experience impossible on one’s own. We will work pragmatically as well as theoretically, moving through asanas in order to discover how best to approach an adjustment, move a body and affect someone’s practice. Come fine tune your capacity as an adjuster, develop your relationship to touch and enhance your ability to see more dimensionally in order to enrich another person’s vision.

SESSION TWO: Restorative + Home Practice

Date: Sunday, Nov 3, 2024

The technique of restorative yoga is to embody formal forms (asanas) whose geometry over time allows for a therapeutic experience. Restoring anything implies that one is rehabilitating back to an original state of being or function. Our approach to restorative yoga is meant to reshape a stressed out, uninformed or broken body, which helps to set up the conditions to redirect a life.

Home practice is a progressive technique for self-knowledge and personal change. Purposefully different than public class, home practice opens up new emotional and physical vistas in order to deepen our resiliency, ground our nervous system and clarify our perceptual reality.

Over the course of five hours, we will explore restorative + home practice prop set ups, move through various restorative + home practices, address injuries, and experience techniques to traverse our internal landscape while deep inside the poses.

ABBIE GALVIN is the owner of The Studio, a NYC based yoga studio, teaching Katonah Yoga. She has been honing this practice for the past 25 years and has a strong student-base from all around the world. Abbie's instruction is informed by her own creative process as a filmmaker and from her exploration of the therapeutic process as a psychoanalyst. She has learned over and over that truly participating in any formal process of self-exploration leads to transformation whether it be physical, psychological or intellectual. Her goal is to engage students of yoga in the dialogue between their conscious and their unconscious selves because it is through that effort that we potentiate ourselves. It is her intention as a teacher to cajole each student in that most rigorous effort to be grounded, to grow upwards, and to participate in the creation of their best self.

KATONAH YOGA® is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan of Katonah Yoga Center over 40 years. She and her teachers incorporate classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor, and imagination — in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being. Framing the practice, maps of time and personal space are defined and refined. Themes using asana as origami, manipulating form for function, and developing a sense of personal measure are incorporated in Katonah Yoga practices. Katonah Yoga is organized around three principles of esoteric dialogue: all polarities are mediated by trinity; the universe has pattern, pattern belies intelligence; by virtue of repetition there is potential for insight. Disciplined techniques are organized for revelation through revolutions.

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Sound Healing Training with Natalie Brown
to Aug 25

Sound Healing Training with Natalie Brown

Immerse yourself in sound and learn foundational and practical techniques to incorporate the healing properties of sound into your practice and teaching.

Day 1: Introduction to Sound Healing
Sat, Aug 24, 12:30 - 5:30pm

  • What is sound healing? What are the benefits and applications of this modality?

  • Learn to balance the science and art of sound healing and explore the use of sound with yoga in history and practice.

  • Learn techniques and gain hands-on practice with Tibetan bowls, crystal singing bowls, and gongs.

Day 2: Foundations
Sun, Aug 25, 12:30 - 5:30pm

  • Learn techniques and gain hands-on practice with additional easy-to-use instruments including chimes and percussion, and begin to explore using the voice through mantra.

  • Experience a full sound bath meditation led by Natalie.

This workshop counts as 10 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program. You do not have to be enrolled in the 300 HR program to participate. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Location: Citizen Yoga Bloomfield (In-studio only. Online participation not available.)

Tuition: $250 ($225 for 300HR students)
This special guest workshop is non-refundable, please book with confidence.  

  • Composer, educator, sound healing practitioner and multi-instrumentalist, Natalie Brown, has traveled the world performing, recording and teaching music. She was trained classically, starting violin at age 4 and has taught high school orchestra for 14 years. She completed Nada Yoga (Yoga of Sound) teacher training in Rishikesh, India. She also has training and certifications in Reiki, craniosacral therapy, Qigong, acupressure and is an Advanced Level Certified Bio-Well Practitioner. Her podcast, Sounds Heal Podcast, explores using sound for health and wellness with interviews of top innovators & practitioners in the field. It has been recognized as the #1 music therapy/sound therapy podcast on the web.

    Natalie’s goal is to share the benefits of sound healing and help others use sound for self-care, personal growth and to heal. Natalie is the founder and operator of Sounds Heal Studio, providing one-on-one and group sound healing sessions and workshops as well as practitioner training through the International Sound Healing Academy.

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Anatomy for the Movement Educator with Hannah Andersen
to Jul 14

Anatomy for the Movement Educator with Hannah Andersen

Join Hannah Andersen for an immersive weekend of breaking down the vast world of anatomy into practical and digestible pieces, specific to the needs of those who teach movement in group or individual settings. This module is offered as part of Citizen Yoga’s 300Hr Teacher Training.

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Props, Pivotal, and Philosophy: Backbends + Inversions with Chris Briney
to Jun 23

Props, Pivotal, and Philosophy: Backbends + Inversions with Chris Briney

This immersive weekend will help you understand the philosophy behind these two pivotal pose genres, learn new ways to use props to explore variations and progressions, and develop alignment-based sequences to help students access a number of backbends and inversions. This workshop is ideal for yoga students looking to access backbends + inversions wherever they currently are in their yoga journey, and for yoga teachers seeking ways to help students find their own entry point to start exploring these pivotal poses.

  • Day 1: Backbends (Sat, June 22, 12:30-5:30pm)

  • Day 2: Inversions (Sun, June 23, 12:30-5:30pm)

Price: $175 for the weekend or $99 per day. In-studio only, online participation is not available.

Location: This workshop will be held at Chris Briney's studio, the Center for Iyengar Yoga, located at 1204 E Eleven Mile Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48067.

Founders discounts available. 300HR participants, please email elyse@citizenyogastudio.com to enroll at your hourly rate.

This workshop counts as up to 10 hours towards Citizen Yoga’s 300HR Teacher Training. You do not have to be enrolled in the 300 HR program to participate. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

  • Chris Briney is the Director of The Center For Iyengar Yoga. He is one of only a small handful of teachers in Metro Detroit to attain Certification as an Iyengar Yoga Teacher by the Iyengar National Association of the United States. He is also one of only seven yoga teachers in the state of Michigan to attain an Intermediate, Level III certification.

    Chris always states that teaching is a by-product of his commitment to the practice of yoga as a way of life. As a result, his teaching contains an authenticity and integrity that can only come from the experience gained through devoted practice. In his classes, you’ll find this authenticity and integrity blended with playfulness and humor to yield an experience both enjoyable and deeply transformative.

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Perinatal Yoga Training
to May 19

Perinatal Yoga Training

This Perinatal Yoga Training with Dayle Extrell will provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the unique needs of pregnant, birthing and postpartum practitioners, and will instill confidence in how to support those needs through yoga.

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Exploring the Chakras Series - Third Eye + Crown Chakras with Ann Fancy

Exploring the Chakras Series - Third Eye + Crown Chakras with Ann Fancy

Join us for a transformative journey as we delve deep into the ancient wisdom of the Chakras with Ann Fancy. This workshop series will guide you through the energy centers within your body, demystifying this system from a more global vantage point, and help you unlock a new level of self-awareness, balance, and vitality. Each session will contain a lecture, discussion, meditation, and physical asana practice.

Third Eye + Crown Chakras

Our final workshop explores the realms of intuition, higher consciousness, and spiritual connection. Open your Third Eye to enhance your intuition and unlock insights, while the Crown Chakra invites you to transcend the ego and experience oneness with the universe. We will close this session with a guided

What You’ll Experience:

  • Guided meditations to align and balance your Chakras.

  • Practical exercises and techniques to heal and activate each Chakra.

  • Insights into how Chakra imbalances affect your physical and emotional health.

  • Tools to integrate Chakra wisdom into your daily life for lasting transformation.

  • Community support and opportunities for sharing experiences.

Who Should Attend:

This workshop series is suitable for beginners and those with prior knowledge of Chakras. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, emotional healing, or a deeper connection to your spiritual self, this series will provide valuable insights and practices to help you along your journey.

This workshop series counts as 12 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program. You do not have to be enrolled in the 300 HR program to participate. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Location: Citizen Royal Oak or Online

Time: 12:30-3:30pm

Dates: Sunday, May 5

Cost: $55

Email us to inquire about Founders discount.

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Exploring the Chakras Series - Heart + Throat Chakras with Ann Fancy

Exploring the Chakras Series - Heart + Throat Chakras with Ann Fancy

Join us for a transformative journey as we delve deep into the ancient wisdom of the Chakras with Ann Fancy. This workshop series will guide you through the energy centers within your body, demystifying this system from a more global vantage point, and help you unlock a new level of self-awareness, balance, and vitality. Each session will contain a lecture, discussion, meditation, and physical asana practice.

Heart + Throat Chakras

In this heart-opening session, we journey into the realms of love, compassion, and communication. Uncover the healing power of the Heart Chakra and discover how to express your truth with clarity and authenticity through the Throat Chakra.

What You’ll Experience:

  • Guided meditations to align and balance your Chakras.

  • Practical exercises and techniques to heal and activate each Chakra.

  • Insights into how Chakra imbalances affect your physical and emotional health.

  • Tools to integrate Chakra wisdom into your daily life for lasting transformation.

  • Community support and opportunities for sharing experiences.

Who Should Attend:

This workshop series is suitable for beginners and those with prior knowledge of Chakras. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, emotional healing, or a deeper connection to your spiritual self, this series will provide valuable insights and practices to help you along your journey.

This workshop series counts as 12 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program. You do not have to be enrolled in the 300 HR program to participate. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Location: Citizen Royal Oak or Online

Time: 12:30-3:30pm

Dates: Sunday, April 7

Cost: $55

Email us to inquire about Founders discount.

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Incorporating Pranayama into Practice + Teaching with Todd Tesen
to Mar 10

Incorporating Pranayama into Practice + Teaching with Todd Tesen


Join Todd Tesen for a deep dive into techniques of classical pranayama. Each day, we will map out the structure and effects of various pranayama techniques, explore how to integrate a daily kriya, and engage in extended asana and pranayama practice.

This workshop counts as 10 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program. You do not have to be enrolled in the 300 HR program to participate. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Option to enroll in the whole weekend, or day one only.

Price: Full Weekend: $185, One Day Only: $100 per day
Location: Citizen Yoga Bloomfield + Online
Dates: Sat, Mar 9, 12:30-5:30pm and Sun, Mar 10, 12:30-5:30pm

300HR students, please email elyse@citizenyogastudio.com to register.

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Exploring the Chakras Series - Sacral + Solar Plexus Chakras with Ann Fancy

Exploring the Chakras Series - Sacral + Solar Plexus Chakras with Ann Fancy

Join us for a transformative journey as we delve deep into the ancient wisdom of the Chakras with Ann Fancy. This workshop series will guide you through the energy centers within your body, demystifying this system from a more global vantage point, and help you unlock a new level of self-awareness, balance, and vitality. Each session will contain a lecture, discussion, meditation, and physical asana practice.

Sacral + Solar Plexus Chakras

Explore the creative and transformative energies of the Sacral Chakra and the empowering, action-oriented vibe of the Solar Plexus Chakra. Learn to harness your inner fire and embrace your authentic self as we balance these two dynamic energy centers.

What You’ll Experience:

  • Guided meditations to align and balance your Chakras.

  • Practical exercises and techniques to heal and activate each Chakra.

  • Insights into how Chakra imbalances affect your physical and emotional health.

  • Tools to integrate Chakra wisdom into your daily life for lasting transformation.

  • Community support and opportunities for sharing experiences.

Who Should Attend:

This workshop series is suitable for beginners and those with prior knowledge of Chakras. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, emotional healing, or a deeper connection to your spiritual self, this series will provide valuable insights and practices to help you along your journey.

This workshop series counts as 12 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program. You do not have to be enrolled in the 300 HR program to participate. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Location: Citizen Royal Oak or Online

Time: 12:30-3:30pm

Dates: Sunday, March 3

Cost: $55

Email us to inquire about Founders discount.

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Katonah Yoga®️ Practicing with Props + Adjustments with Abbie Galvin

Katonah Yoga®️ Practicing with Props + Adjustments with Abbie Galvin


Join special guest Abbie Galvin for a 5 hour intensive training. This intensive will serve as an experience of how to use information magically; touching someone in a real way, moving someone so they can get out of their own way, affecting someone so they have an insight.

Developing your own vision is the key to learning how to teach and adjust well. The goal is to change someone’s frame of reference, offering them a re-orientation in order to open a portal of experience impossible on one’s own. We will work pragmatically as well as theoretically, moving through asanas in order to discover how best to approach an adjustment, move a body and affect someone’s practice. Come fine tune your capacity as an adjuster, develop your relationship to touch and enhance your ability to see more dimensionally in order to enrich another person’s vision.

Abbie Galvin is the owner of The Studio, a NYC based yoga studio, teaching Katonah Yoga. She has been honing this practice for the past 25 years and has a strong student-base from all around the world. Abbie’s instruction is informed by her own creative process as a filmmaker and from her exploration of the therapeutic process as a psychoanalyst. She has learned over and over that truly participating in any formal process of self-exploration leads to transformation whether it be physical, psychological or intellectual. Her goal is to engage students of yoga in the dialogue between their conscious and their unconscious selves because it is through that effort that we potentiate ourselves. It is her intention as a teacher to cajole each student in that most rigorous effort to be grounded, to grow upwards, and to participate in the creation of their best self.

(Book confidently, no refunds after 1/1/24)

Location: Citizen Yoga Detroit

Cost: $175

300Hr students, please email elyse@citizenyogastudio.com to be enrolled at your hourly rate.

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Katonah Yoga®️ Magic Square + Body Reading with Abbie Galvin

Katonah Yoga®️ Magic Square + Body Reading with Abbie Galvin


In this intensive we will introduce the magic square, the Katonah map to navigating personal potential. We will then move on to body reading, using this map to inform and guide our readings, learning how to unearth chronic and acute physical issues and explore what to do with the information we discover.

Abbie Galvin is the owner of The Studio, a NYC based yoga studio, teaching Katonah Yoga. She has been honing this practice for the past 25 years and has a strong student-base from all around the world. Abbie’s instruction is informed by her own creative process as a filmmaker and from her exploration of the therapeutic process as a psychoanalyst. She has learned over and over that truly participating in any formal process of self-exploration leads to transformation whether it be physical, psychological or intellectual. Her goal is to engage students of yoga in the dialogue between their conscious and their unconscious selves because it is through that effort that we potentiate ourselves. It is her intention as a teacher to cajole each student in that most rigorous effort to be grounded, to grow upwards, and to participate in the creation of their best self.

(Book confidently, no refunds after 1/1/24)

Location: Citizen Yoga Detroit

Cost: $175

300Hr students, please email elyse@citizenyogastudio.com to be enrolled at your hourly rate.

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Exploring the Chakras Series with Ann Fancy

Exploring the Chakras Series with Ann Fancy


Join us for a transformative journey as we delve deep into the ancient wisdom of the Chakras with Ann Fancy. This four-part workshop series will guide you through the energy centers within your body, demystifying this system from a more global vantage point, and help you unlock a new level of self-awareness, balance, and vitality. Each session will contain a lecture, discussion, meditation, and physical asana practice.

Introduction to the Chakras + The Root Chakra

FEBRUARY 4, 2024

In our first session, you’ll receive a comprehensive introduction to the Chakras, their history, and the echoes of this ancient wisdom found on every continent. You will learn of their significance, and their role in your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We will also dig into the foundation of the Chakra system as we explore the Root Chakra, grounding you in the Earth’s energy and fostering stability in your life.

Sacral + Solar Plexus Chakras

MARCH 3, 2024

Explore the creative and transformative energies of the Sacral Chakra and the empowering, action-oriented vibe of the Solar Plexus Chakra. Learn to harness your inner fire and embrace your authentic self as we balance these two dynamic energy centers.

Heart + Throat Chakras

APRIL 7, 2024

In this heart-opening session, we journey into the realms of love, compassion, and communication. Uncover the healing power of the Heart Chakra and discover how to express your truth with clarity and authenticity through the Throat Chakra.

Third Eye + Crown Chakras

MAY 5, 2024

Our final workshop explores the realms of intuition, higher consciousness, and spiritual connection. Open your Third Eye to enhance your intuition and unlock insights, while the Crown Chakra invites you to transcend the ego and experience oneness with the universe. We will close this session with a guided

What You’ll Experience:

  • Guided meditations to align and balance your Chakras.

  • Practical exercises and techniques to heal and activate each Chakra.

  • Insights into how Chakra imbalances affect your physical and emotional health.

  • Tools to integrate Chakra wisdom into your daily life for lasting transformation.

  • Community support and opportunities for sharing experiences.

Who Should Attend:

This workshop series is suitable for beginners and those with prior knowledge of Chakras. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, emotional healing, or a deeper connection to your spiritual self, this series will provide valuable insights and practices to help you along your journey.

This workshop series counts as 12 hours towards the Citizen Yoga 300HR Training program. You do not have to be enrolled in the 300 HR program to participate. Modules are open to all experience levels and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of the practice.

Location: Citizen Royal Oak or Online

Time: 12:30-3:30pm

Dates: Sundays, Feb 4, Mar 3, April 7, May 5

Cost: $55/session or $200 for all 4 sessions

Email elyse@citizenyogastudio.com to inquire about Founders discount or to register as a 300HR student.

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Restorative Yoga with Najee Robbins
to Jan 21

Restorative Yoga with Najee Robbins

Each session will include a blend of lecture, journaling, demonstration of prop variations, and most importantly plenty of space to experience your own restorative yoga practice. Together we will focus on what it means to create the conditions for relaxation, how props can facilitate comfort in the body, and the fundamentals of teaching restorative yoga.

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Teaching Methodology: Teaching a Private Session

Teaching Methodology: Teaching a Private Session

Join CY teacher Amber Green for an afternoon deep-dive into the theory, methods, and practice of teaching private sessions! In this workshop, we will explore the teaching skills necessary to provide individualized sessions for private clients to address injury, improve alignment + body awareness, or build towards a specific asana.

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Teaching Methodology: Developing Teachers

Teaching Methodology: Developing Teachers

Join CY teacher Amber Green for an afternoon deep-dive into the theory, method, and practice of teaching yoga teachers! In this workshop, we will explore various aspects of becoming a teacher of teachers, including leading yoga teacher training, becoming a mentor, and delivering quality feedback.

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