5 Senses Walk
Mental Health Pillar: Movement
by Sitara Bird, Citizen Yoga Teacher
Today, I invite you to take yourself on a walk, whether it be a pre-planned hike of sorts or just a quick neighborhood stroll. I implore you to weave these subtle yet impactful practices into your experience. This time of year, I find it utmost important to carve time to be outside. As the weather cools, I find it ever too easy to be shut off from the outdoors, so dress appropriately, knowing you’ll be kindling some heat with every step.
As you begin your walk, start to deepen your breath. Allow your exhales to reach down into your roots, feeling how your feet connect with the Earth. With each step, place your awareness into your feet + legs. Observe how your heel strikes the Earth and how your feet make contact. Allow your inhales to rise into your chest, enlivening your lungs. Deep breaths are salubrious, especially this time of year.
Do your ears pick up the sound of crunching leaves beneath your feet? Can you smell them? Or is your path clear? The scent of Autumn is quite nostalgic. Keep your awareness in your legs as you notice how the air feels across your skin. If you’re quite bundled, what is making contact with the air element and how does it feel? Depending on the time of day and the weather, can you feel the warmth of the limited sunshine as it pours upon your face? What else do your ears pick up? Animal life and movement might slow this time of year but you may notice some bird calls, some animals still foraging as they prepare for winter or just the wind as it bustles through the trees.
Let your breath reconnect you with present moment. Allow your five senses to integrate you into your environment. Integrating this way with Nature can align us more so with the cycles of Nature, reminding us that we too, have our own seasons.