Invite a New Friend to Dinner

Mental Health Pillar: Meaningful Connection

by Kacee Must, Citizen Yoga Owner + Founder

If you have not been on retreat with me, then you probably do not know my cardinal rule of life: NO FRIEND GROUPS. I have close friends and as some joke, a best friend for every category of friendship or life activity. But I have found that friend groups inevitably do the thing they are trying to avoid, which is to isolate and alienate people. If there is an in, there is an out. And people are highly sensitive about feeling like they are on the out. Open your doors and world to more people, take time to get to know someone, you may find that the world feels safer as you grow your confidence to connect with more and more people. 

Today, invite a new friend to dinner. It does not have to be just you and the new person. You could include this person with other people you are more comfortable with. You may find that the person you add into your life is just the medicine you need.


5 Senses Walk


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