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KATONAH YOGA® Immersion Weekend with Dages Juvelier Keates

  • Citizen Yoga Detroit 1224 Library Street Detroit, MI, 48226 United States (map)

Dages Juvelier Keates

NYC-based Katonah Yoga Guest Teacher


Private Sessions

Limited number of private sessions available Friday 3/14

Price: $200/hour session

Full Weekend Immersion

All sessions included

Price: $400 (save $50 off individual sessions below)


Extended Practice:
Folding, Fits and Forms

Time: 5:30-7:00pm
Price: $50

  • No matter who you are, you fit yourself well. Your knees can fit your armpits, your feet behind your head, and your heels into your palms. Using these functional fits, you can train your practice to be radical and revelatory! Katonah Yoga articulates a philosophy of the body that is both formal and informative.

    Asana engages our ability to make contact with ourselves, find how we fit, and flourish in our functioning. The formality of asana is like learning how to write: first, you print block letters, and then, through repetition, you become so fluent you can write very quickly with cursive. This practice will get into the nuts and bolts and train the geometry of a formal practice. Since the lower body grounds, we want to know that we can hang onto this security as we start to look out. Backbends always start at the bottom, and from the roots, they rise to help us glimpse our potential. 

    Join Dages Juvelier Keates for a joyful Katonah Yoga Master Class incorporating rigorous practice, hands-on adjustments, breath work, metaphor, and imagination! Asana is origami for the body: as we fold and unfold joint space, we find form, function, and lots of fun! Learn techniques to spice up your practice, feel great, and enjoyably embody complex forms in a practical framework of communal well-being. You will leave feeling strong, structured, stable, and full of new approaches to familiar shapes. This class is offered to teachers and practitioners alike. Yoga is invisible, there are no levels, and you are most welcome exactly as you are.



Extended Practice:
Becoming Spherical: Wraps, Twists, and Spins

Time: 10-11:30am
Price: $50

  • This immersive personal laboratory sets up the mobility, stability, and refinement you need to unfurl your spine and reference your organismic sphericality. What is organic is round, and we are organic. The practice is not about conforming to an archetype, or shoving yourself into a mold. It is the experience of you using the archetype to become more spherical - resilient, flexible, and able to feel that you can bounce back. Being spherical puts you in the position of renewal. The experience of an organized spin gives full breath, joint space, and a flush of joy! Space. 

    Join Dages Juvelier Keates for a joyful Katonah Yoga Master Class incorporating rigorous practice, hands-on adjustments, breath work, metaphor, and imagination! Asana is origami for the body: as we fold and unfold joint space, we find form, function, and lots of fun! Learn techniques to spice up your practice, feel great, and enjoyably embody complex forms in a practical framework of communal well-being. You will leave feeling strong, structured, stable, and full of new approaches to familiar shapes. This class is offered to teachers and practitioners alike. Yoga is invisible, there are no levels, and you are most welcome exactly as you are.


5 Hour Immersion:
Props + Hands-On Adjustments Lab

Time: 12:30-5:30pm
Price: $175

  • Learn techniques to adjust your students in order to maximize revelation and minimize common mistakes.  This workshop is focused on training teachers to work with straps, blocks, hands, feet, poles, chairs and more to make lasting impact on your students in both class and private settings. Learn Katonah techniques to precisely read and adjust your students in standing, moving, seated and restorative asana work. You will gain competence through hands-on experience, and confidence through applied knowledge.

    Discounts available for 300HR students, email



2 Hour Workshop:
Katonah Yoga Theory + Breathwork

Time: 10am-12pm
Price: $75

  • In the most exhilarating moments of life, your breath is there. In the deepest grief, there too you will find the omnipresent melody of materiality, your precious breath. Vacillating between practices that stimulate and soothe, pranayama allows you to come home, to be alone with yourself. Katonah pranayama techniques are gateways to the dual tasks of learning to both soothe and stimulate oneself. Deepen your understanding of Katonah Yoga’s potent embodied maps for reorganizing oneself in time and space through the vehicle of the breath.


Extended Practice:
Unfolding and Flying!

Time: 12:30-2pm
Price: $50

  • A spring practice has the characteristic of rising yang, of unfurling, sprouting, and backbending. Like a sprout rising towards the sunbeams, we can look around at personal and great nature to see that, following the winter's silence, greening expansion is happening everywhere. That sprout moves through the center of our body as the beginning of a smile, the beginning of a backbend. Cultivate formality and measurement to safely amplify that smile, the arc line of potential, the secret whisperer of spring, and open it up. By opening planes of potentiality, we can start coming out of our shells and seeing what’s out there for us. 

    Join Dages Juvelier Keates for a joyful Katonah Yoga Master Class incorporating rigorous practice, hands-on adjustments, breath work, metaphor, and imagination! Asana is origami for the body: as we fold and unfold joint space, we find form, function, and lots of fun! Learn techniques to spice up your practice, feel great, and enjoyably embody complex forms in a practical framework of communal well-being. You will leave feeling strong, structured, stable, and full of new approaches to familiar shapes. This class is offered to teachers and practitioners alike. Yoga is invisible, there are no levels, and you are most welcome exactly as you are.


2 Hour Workshop:
Body Reading + Teaching a Private

Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Price: $75

  • What does the body have to say? Learn maps, metaphors, and methods to develop your eyes and hands for attuned readings and adjustments.  A reading happens in a relationship. The experience becomes its own relational material, bringing out aspects of the student and of the teacher simultaneously. How do we deal with that?  Learn Katonah techniques to precisely read and adjust your private students without pathologizing them. We will cover basic structures for organizing a reading best to serve the needs of different types of students. You will gain hands-on experience to gain confidence through applied knowledge.

  • Dages Juvelier Keates is a senior Katonah Yoga teacher based in New York City who teaches globally. She has been developing her practice and pedagogy for 22 years and has accreditations from the Bihar School, 3HO, Anusara, and Katonah Yoga. Since 2012, her syncretic teaching style has been profoundly impacted by an immersion in studies with her mentor, Nevine Michaan, founder of Katonah Yoga. Dages draws on her background as a dancer, writer, and artist working with and through the materiality of the body as a somatic space for holding paradox. Her work explores performative and poetic methodologies in cartographies of somatic, psychoanalytic, and nonhuman knowledges. Her research is interwoven with critical theory, Lurianic Kabbala, and western Herbalism. Dages holds a BA in dance from Bard College, a transdisciplinary MA from NYU, and an Advanced Masters from Sint Lucas Antwerpen. In 2018, she released “Radical Acts of Embodiment: Teaching and Practices of Katonah Yoga®” 

  • KATONAH YOGA® is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan of Katonah Yoga Center over 40 years. She and her teachers incorporate classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor, and imagination — in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being. Framing the practice, maps of time and personal space are defined and refined. Themes using asana as origami, manipulating form for function, and developing a sense of personal measure are incorporated in Katonah Yoga practices. Katonah Yoga is organized around three principles of esoteric dialogue: all polarities are mediated by trinity; the universe has pattern, pattern belies intelligence; by virtue of repetition there is potential for insight. Disciplined techniques are organized for revelation through revolutions.

    Learn more at

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