No Music Yoga Class

Mental Health Pillar: Movement

by Amber Green, Citizen Yoga Teacher

While you’re practicing in-studio today, you may notice a small change: no music. Embrace the silence as a way to focus on distraction free movement and make space for a deeper level of listening. Find additional inspiration in the following poem, written by CY teacher and resident poet, Amber Green. 

The Other Way by Amber Green 

There is a squirrel that visits me
and I listen
at the window from my office desk, in the mossy tree
leaves rustle; listen.

She jumps from branch to branch; clings and looks
at me with one pebbled black eye.
Is she listening?

Scratches down the crippled branches; her tail a metronome
a language, a message, a warning; she beckons me to listen
from the pane of glass that separates us, a structural sense of safety; distance.

Creamy white mushrooms hardened like the fingers of a piano, 88 keys all a different sound.
It is not my song that is important here; less or more.
It is not her who interferes,
distracting me, 
but the other way around and I listen.


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