Combatting Social Isolation
Mental Health Pillar: Meaningful Connection
by Kacee Must, Citizen Yoga Owner + Founder
There have been many times in my life that I found myself in a transition or moment of physical isolation, like living abroad, or emotional isolation due to depression or anxiety. When you are not in a place experiencing loneliness, it is hard to remember how deflating it can be on your heart and mind.
When experiencing isolation:
Use this time to consciously cultivate compassion for yourself and for others. In the high points of our lives, it is easy to forget how challenging it can be. Be aware of how difficult life can feel for others around you.
Life is never just one thing. Reflect on how life has not always felt isolating and lonely because life cannot be only one kind of experience. It can feel lonely AND connective. Take time to reflect on where two things that seem opposite can be true at the same time.
Small community moments can be as impactful as big ones. A small community moment is introducing yourself to people at the coffee shop, remembering someone’s name that you see often, or spending time in public spaces that offer you connection without having to hold space for others. Big community moments might be yoga retreats, training, friend dinners, music festivals, and events with like minded people.
Make phone calls, avoid texting. It might sound old school, but texts do not offer the same level of connection that calls do.
Loneliness often stems from feeling misunderstood. Take time in your interactions this season to listen and ask questions. Invite someone new to dinner. Think of someone going through a big transition in their life and reach out with a phone call. Small efforts prevent big breakdowns.
Say hello to your neighbor.
Learn a new name.
Remind someone they are not alone.